On 07/31/2010 03:47 PM, Peter Baumgartner wrote:
I'm using LyX 1.6.7 and would like to change some of the names and styles of
theorems of the theoreme module. Is there a way to do it via the preamble or
do I have to do it the "hard way" and have to change the file
"theorems.inc"? Couldn't find any help file.

Writing a module to do this is the *easy* way, because it would be reusable. E.g.:

\DeclareLyXModule{Theorem Mods}

Format 11

Style Theorem
    # This will override the original definition in theorems.inc

Save that as theorem-mods.module in your LyX layout directory, reconfigure, and select it from Document>Settings>Modules. Add whatever else you want, etc, etc.


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