Thank you Johannes. Your hint made it work!

Kind regards,

Am 16.07.2010 um 14:54 schrieb Johannes Knaus:

> Hello,
> I'm tried this on my Mac, too.
> I downloaded the german aspell dictionary, unzipped it, and put in into the 
> cocoAspell-Folder, changed the path in Lyx etc.
> A first test ended up in the same error you reported.
> Then I looked into the dictionary folder and saw that there is no 
> de-common-rws file.
> Then I realized what the problem is:
> I didn't compile the aspell dictionary! (the README-file tells me I have to 
> do this ;-))
> CocoAspell does this automatically if you open its preference pane 
> (Systemeinstellungen): If there's a new dict in the path, compiling starts.
> After compiling be sure that you have checked at least "German" in the 
> CocoAspell preference pane.
> So maybe you have forgotten this compilation step, too?
> Kind regards,
> Johannes
> After this spellchecking in German works for me.
> Am 16.07.2010 um 01:06 schrieb iustifico:
>> Does someone know, how to fix this error?
>> Kind regards,
>> iustifico
>> Am 12.07.2010 um 22:48 schrieb iustifico:
>>> Am 12.07.2010 um 20:16 schrieb BH:
>>>> Did you try reconfiguring LyX? (LyX > Reconfigure, then restarting LyX)
>>> Yes. I got the English dictionary to run. I figured out, that the cursor 
>>> must be in the beginning of the file, so that the spellchecker can find 
>>> errors. If you are at the end of the file with the cursor, it doesn't find 
>>> anything.
>>> Now I am trying to get the german dictionary to run. I downloaded the file
>>> aspell6-de-20030222-1.tar.bz2
>>> from the cocoAspell-ftp-server and after expanding it i put it in
>>> /Library/Application Support/cocoAspell/
>>> Then I changed the entry in "alternative language" under preferences -> 
>>> languages -> spellchecking to
>>> /Library/Application Support/cocoAspell/aspell6-de-20030222-1/deutsch.alias
>>> Now it looks like this.
>>> <Bildschirmfoto 2010-07-12 um 20.47.48.png>
>>> I changed this one too:
>>> <Bildschirmfoto 2010-07-12 um 20.48.33.png>
>>> But I get this error:
>>> <Bildschirmfoto 2010-07-12 um 22.46.58.png>
>>> Kind regards,
>>> iustifico

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