Thanks for all your help, Richard.

Maybe "limited availability" or even "lacks some packages" would be more on point than "Unavailable". What threw me was the fact that the unavailable classes are listed separately. Personally, I'd prefer colors or font shapes and weights: green (bold) = ready to go, yellow (plain text) = lacking some packages, and red (italic) = cannot process.

Also, thanks for clarifying LaTeX terminology. I was confused by two documents I found on the Web. Page 5 of "LaTeX 2e for Authors" says:
In LaTeX2.09,documents had styles, such as article or book, and options, such as twoside or eps g. ... LaTeX2e differentiates between built-in options and
packages.These are given by the  new \documentclass and \usepackage commands ....
So I thought .sty files were from 2.09 and .cls files were from 2e. Additionally, page 5 of LaTeX2e for Class and Package Writers" says:
If the commands could be used with any document class, then make them a package; and if not, then make them a class.
Since my class only works with letters (and eventually memos), I treated it as a class. But the class extends the standard letter document class, so I assumed that \LoadClass was used to load classes, while \RequirePackage or \usepackage loaded packages. The file extension for packages remained a mystery for me. Thanks for clarifying that this is .sty.

BTW, thanks to you and Jean-Marc, my layout file worked this morning!

    Marsh Feldman

On 7/12/2010 12:38 PM, Richard Heck wrote:
On 07/12/2010 11:26 AM, Jean-Marc LASGOUTTES wrote:
Marshall Feldman<>  writes:
Besides being more clear in the documentation (a draft of which I'd be
glad to offer once I'm sure I understand the command),

Help here is always appreciated. I think I may have made some changes to the 2.0 version already. I don't remember.

one change that
LyX developers might consider is to issue a warning message and make
the document class available to the user even if the classes in square
brackets are not installed.
I thought we did that already...

The problem here may be what you see in the dropdown box, e.g.:
    Unavailable: article (REVTeX)
That makes it look as if you can't use it, because it is "Unavailable". But I'm not sure what a better term would be. There are improvements in 2.0, too. If you select such a class, then LyX will tell you precisely what prerequisites are not satisfied.



Dr. Marshall Feldman, PhD
Director of Research and Academic Affairs
Center for Urban Studies and Research
The University of Rhode Island
email: marsh @ uri .edu (remove spaces)

Contact Information:


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