Am Friday 09 July 2010 21:33:49 schrieb Artimess:
> Hi all,
> What is the best way of building a glossary section in Lyx, the page must
> be two columns of course.
> Thanks in advance for suggestions,
> Artimess

you need in document>settings>LaTeX preamble

(nomenclature and glossary are synonyms)
go behind the term to be used in the glossary, press alt i and y (or 
alternatively click insert > nomenclature entry) 

this gives you the glossary box with the chosen entry in the upper line 
(Symbol) and room for the description below

Take care not to mark two words and create the box behind it. Though it will 
take both words in the symbol line of the box, the words are taken out of the 
original text. You either have to cut and paste them back again or avoid this 

This behaviour is different from the indexing, and it would be nice to have it 
working here too. It might have been changed in the Lyx2 trunk already, don't 
know (I am the guy who tried so far unsuccessfully to install it). 

You should also click the ok in the glossary box, even if you have not yet 
finished it (eg because you are checking in the internet the meaning of your 
entry), otherwise the box might be gone and you have to redo it.


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