
You did give me a good indication. I tried to use IEEEtran.layout as a base, 
and found that it was really a good start.


发件人: Richard Heck 
发送时间: 2010-07-08  21:19:24 
收件人: paeanchen 
抄送: LyX-Uses-List 
主题: Re: Looking for help with the IEICE layout file for LyX 
On 07/08/2010 03:18 AM, paeanchen wrote: 
Thank you for your comments. I read the material you pointed to, but after 
reading it, I guess it is far from enough for creating a layout file from a 
complex class file. Is it true that no one ever wrote a paper for IEICE trans. 
by using LyX? 

Hard to know. But I'd be surprised if this class was all that different from 
others for which there are layout files, e.g., IEEE trans, or whatever. That 
would give you a big head start.


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