Hello although my question is not about lyx, I hope you my help me anyway. (or maybe redirect me to the right forum).
In the biblatex tutorial http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/exptl/biblatex/doc/biblatex.pdf at pag. 168-169 the author offers a few hint on how to implement a nice feature to produce internal links among records within a bibliography: [1] Audrey Author: Title of article. In: [2], pp. 134–165. [2] Edward Editor, ed.: Title of collection. Publisher: Location, 1995. Since I am not a (La)TeX programmer, I would like very much to hack the complete code from somewhere/somebody. I am using \usepackage[style=numeric,hyperref=auto,defernums=true,annotation=true,library=true,sorting=nyt]{biblatex} Thanks very much regards mario