On Thursday 17 June 2010 02:46:53 Gary Kline wrote:
> People,
> Appended is a greatly abbreviated sample of the novel that I want
> to get typeset via the TeX/LaTex/LyX program set.
> Given the superb toolset that TeX offers, I would like to use
> different typefaces: typewriter fonts --- as per my example
> typewritten letter.  I also have places where I am thinking of
> using a small, bold handwriting font.  And one large bold
> handwritten script where my blind character writes a short poem
> to her lover.
> In other words, the only trouble I have been having in the past
> two weeks is getting the typewriter fonts to fit, indented the
> way a <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> would do.   I have found that
> the "\small" macro 9pt does not work for the typewriter fonts.
> Only the "\tiny" macro works; but 5pt is simply too small to be
> read easily.
> The nutshell here is:: Can lyx help me do what I want and switch
> from, say, "newcent" {at 10pt} to "courier" {at 9 pt} and back.

Not sure, but I think I can help you. I think you need the \begin{sloppy} 
command at the beginning of your typewriter font, and the \end{sloppy} command 
at the end of your typewriter font. To test my hypothesis, just insert the raw 
LaTeX (ERT). If indeed that works, then using a layout file, create an 
environment called "mylegalese" or some such name that:

1: Begins with \begin{sloppy}
2: \begin{ttfamily}
3: \begin{small}
4: Prints the content
5: \end{small}
6: \end{ttfamily}
7: \end{sloppy}

The preceding is an oversimplification. To get it to act like normal 
environments you might need to implement it as a list, but I think just doing 
the preceding should get you close.

I've written some docs about making your own environments. The table of 
contents for those docs is at: 



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stevelitt

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