On 12 February 2010 02:23, Daniele_P <danielepacif...@yahoo.it> wrote:
> Dear LyX developers,
> I am trying to make a submission to a Elsevier Journal and I am using the
> LyX elsarticle template, which is supposed to match the Elsevier
> requirements.
> The template already includes a BibTex bibliography with the required style
> called "elsarticle-harv". This style should allow for citation like "author
> (year)", let's say: "Heckman (2010)".
> However, the pdf that is generated by LyX does not show the year but just an
> identifier (according to the previous example: "Heckman [2]").
> The identifiers are then displayed in the reference section along with the
> proper reference (like: "[2] Heckman J. (2010): "Modelling...bla bla",
> Journal of bla bla.....").

I have a similar problem, and I don't know to use this template (have
been waiting any hints for this).

In elsarticle-harv I am expecting the list of Reference without any number
[no] Heckman J. (2010): "Modelling...bla bla

Heckman J. (2010): "Modelling...bla bla

Anyone can have an information for author-year system?


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