I cannot add hyperlink in a file opened from elsearticle template. I use Win 7, Lyx 1.6.5, MixTex 2.8.
After opened a new file from Elsearticle template, if I add a hyperlink (http: ...) and try to view the pdf I receive the erros: Error: Argument of \x has an extra } Description: ...r\proc...@me\string\@la...@\@nil{author} % I've run across a `}' that doesn't seem to match anything. For example, `\def\a#1{...}' and `\a}' would produce this error. If you simply proceed now, the `\par' that I've just inserted will cause me to report a runaway argument that might be the root of the problem. But if your `}' was spurious, just type `2' and it will go away. and Error: Paragraph ended before \x was complete. Description: ...r\proc...@me\string\@la...@\@nil{author} % I suspect you've forgotten a `}', causing me to apply this control sequence to too much text. How can we recover? My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best. May anyone help me? Thank you Bruno Cocciaro --- Li portammo sull'orlo del baratro e ordinammo loro di volare. --- Resistevano. Volate, dicemmo. Continuavano a opporre resistenza. --- Li spingemmo oltre il bordo. E volarono. (G. Apollinaire)