On 05/26/2010 05:00 AM, Artimess wrote:
Hi ,
I need some help to create an environment or use an existing environment or package that may exist to get coding examples like the attached example in a manuscript. The listings should have similar numbering scheme as Figures or tables and I need to have a list of codings, like List of Figures, etc.

Two options:

1. Insert>Child Document, then choosing "Program Listing". The program to be listed needs to be in an external file.
2. Insert>Float>Algorithm, and then, in the float, Insert>Program Listing.

If you don't like "Algorithm", you can define your own float as in the attached module. Copy it to your LyX user layouts directory (e.g., $HOME/.lyx/layouts/), reconfigure LyX, and restart. Then it will be available under Insert>Float.


#\DeclareLyXModule{Listing Float}
#Adds a float for "Code Listing".

Format 11

        Type                  listing
        GuiName               Code Listing
        Placement             tbp
        Extension             lol
        NumberWithin          none
        Style                 ruled
        ListName              "List of Listings"
        LaTeXBuiltin          false

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