Hello. I am new to this list. So please forgive me if I am not aware of certain conventions.
I would like to write a syllabus using a BibTeX bibliography file. I am familiar with using .bib files for writing articles. However, I could not find any manual on how to integrate my references in a syllabus. What I am trying to do would look like this: Week 1 Theory of the household. Blah, blah, blah ... Required readings BibTeX reference 1 BibTeX reference 2 Suggested readings BibTeX reference 3 BibTeX reference 4 Week 2 Theory of the firm. Blah, blah, blah ... Required readings BibTeX reference 5 BibTeX reference 6 Suggested readings BibTeX reference 7 BibTeX reference 8 ... and so on and so forth. Now the problem that I am running into is to find a command that shows the complete information for a BibTex reference given particular style. For instance: Marx, Karl (1867): Capital - A Critique of Political Economy, Volume I. London. Peguin. Any help is appreciated. Johann ------ I am running LyX 1.6.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 (i486-pc-linux-gnu).