Dear LyX community,

First of all thank you for the day to day support you provide through this
mailing-list. I've been writing my thesis for the last 6 months with LyX
1.6.5 in *book (Memoir)*, and I saw a lot of interesting tips.

I have gathered here the questions that arose during my composition. My
apologizes if I've missed something in the FAQ.

a) Changing cross-references links of "subsubsection" to a nicer "section":
Is there a command similar to the one for renaming figure captions (see
below), in order to have for example "subsections" or "section" instead of "subsubsections" ?

b) Preventing Appendixes to insert blank pages and centered layout:
I'm inserting my appendix child documents with "Input" instead of "Include"
to avoid getting blank pages, but nevertheless the first appendix page has a
centered page number and is always an odd page.
Apart from using "article" in the document class options, is there a way to
avoid this?

c) Index entries use the formatting of the core text, i.e. a bold list entry
gets bold in the index too: can we prevent this ?

d) Capital letters for cross-reference links at beginning of sentences:
When I make reference to a chapter at the beginning of a sentence, the
cross-reference link is:
"chapter 2 discusses blablabla....", instead of having a capital letter:
"Chapter 2 discusses blablabla...."
Can I correct that?

e) Smaller bibliography fonts:
How can I have my bibliography (external BibTek from JabRef) printed in
smaller fonts than the core of the document? For the information formatting
I'm using "unsrt" and "Default (numerical) for citations.

Best regards and many thanks in advance. Feel free to split into multiple
emails if needed.
Yannick Fournier
PhD. student
EPFL, Switzerland

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