kudos to Paul for suggesting me to remove my ~/.lyx directory, it
worked and the issues has not reappeared. I'm a bit puzzled because
I've been trying to isolate the origin of issue but had no luck. I'll
try harder if I have the time.
Thanks again to everybody,


On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:01 PM, Michele Cascella
<michele.casce...@pi.infn.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> lyx is giving me the:
> "The system reconfiguration has failed.
> Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
> Please reconfigure again if needed."
> error message, but everything seems to be working. I can't figure out
> what's wrong from the configure.py output or from the LaTeXConfig.lyx
> (attached).
> Am I missing something? Could you take a look at them?
> Cheers,
> Emme
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 12:57 AM, Paul A. Rubin <ru...@msu.edu> wrote:
>> Jason Waskiewicz wrote:
>>> Thank-you for the quick help (especially Paul Rubin)!
>> You're welcome.  Been there, done that.  The T-shirt didn't fit.
>>> For any who are interested, I ran configure.py. It turned out that LyX was
>>> failing because of a .layout file I no longer use. When I copied my
>>> favorites into the new copy of LyX, I must have not been thinking and copied
>>> this old one in as well.
>>> I'm not sure why it didn't work (it used to), but removing it solved the
>>> problem.
>> During one of the version updates (I think from 1.5.x to 1.6), changes were
>> made that broke some layout files.  There's a conversion script
>> (layout2layout.py) in the scripts directory; don't know if LyX automatically
>> tries to run it against old layouts during a reconfiguration or not.
>> /Paul

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