The subject pretty much says it. I have been importing my BA thesis
into LyX in preparation for submitting it to the Internet Archive.
There is one thing I want to look into, though. I rather like the
two-column layout, but I find it problematic that the footnotes are
narrowed as part of the column, because a few footnotes can end up
taking up a lot of space. Is it possible to have the footnotes at the
bottom below the columns to span the full width of the page?
The document is exported to

One other thing, a minor detail: I recently wrote a small feature on
LyX - - and all I could say on the
mathematics section is that I don't know anything about it. Do you have
a good link covering the mathematical features of LyX?

grateful for an impressive program,
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér *

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