On 2010-04-12, rgheck wrote:
> On 04/10/2010 06:24 PM, Julien Rioux wrote:
>> Sajjad<dosto.wa...@...>  writes:

>> ... there is a problem here because liuthesis redefines \title
>> to take 2 arguments:

>> "You must always provide both a Swedish (first argument) and an English
>> title (second argument), \title{Svensk titel}{English Title}."

>> but LyX will output \title{YOUR TITLE} no matter what (i.e., only 1
>> argument).

This can be changed in the layout file (although not straightforward).

>> A workaround is to write your Swedish title like usual and then, at
>> the end of the line, insert a TeX box and write "}{English title"
>> inside it (with the braces).

Or put just the }{ in the ERT box and write the English Title
as normal text.

> There isn't at present any good way to do this. Multi-argument commands 
> aren't directly supported. I've been thinking about this for a while, 
> but haven't done anything.

The problem occured also in the dinbrief class. It's solved by
defining two styles. From dinbrief.layout::

  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number. We define an empty
  # command that can be set by the Area_Code style
  # dinbrief's \phone has 2 args, area and number,
  # define both as distinct styles
  Style "Area code"
        CopyStyle       DinBrief
        LabelString     "Vorwahl:"
        LatexName       "renewcommand{\areacode}"
  Style Telephone
        CopyStyle       DinBrief
        LabelString     "Telefon:"
        LatexName       phone
        LatexParam      {\areacode}

It should be possible to adapt this technique to liuthesis if the ERT
hack is too hackish.


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