This is a bit of a tangent from true LyX issues, but it is related and
I suspect the expertise exists on this list to solve my problem. I
appreciate any help. For those also on the R-Help mailing list, I
apologize for the duplication.

I use LyX on a Windows XP machine with R 2.10.1 and a recent
installation of MiKTeX 2.8. I followed Jeff Laake's instructions on
the LyX Wiki (which I recently posted! -- and had things all set
up to run Sweave and Stangle and then make the PDF through R (though a
batch script called from LyX then on to a MakeSweave.R file that does
the work through R). All of this system worked just fine until I ran
some MiKTeX updates yesterday.

After the updates yesterday, which I noticed included the miktex core
stuff, everything goes smoothly except that the code in the
MakeSweave.R file that runs texi2dvi (an R function that calls the
MiKTeX-distributed texi2dvi.exe to do the work) seems not to produce a
PDF but gives no warnings or errors.

The contents of the batch file are:

Rterm --no-site-file --no-save -f "C:/Program Files/LyX
1.6.5/bin/MakeSweave.R" --args %1

The batch file is called in the temporary directory where LyX does its work,

The MakeSweave.R contents are:

args <- commandArgs()
filename <- args[length(args)]
basename <- sub("\\.(Rnw|Rtex|nw)$", "", filename)
texi2dvi(paste(basename, ".tex", sep=""), pdf=TRUE)

I run LyX from a command window and watch what goes on in the
background. All goes fine through the whole process, texi2dvi runs and
finishes (and I can confirm that it finds and executes texi2dvi.exe in
the MiKTeX bin), and then LyX pukes an error that it cannot open the
PDF because the PDF does not exist. Indeed, if I check the temp
for LyX, all files are present but the PDF. I get no other warnings or
errors from texi2dvi and cannot figure out why this happens.

Can someone help me figure out why texi2dvi fails to produce a PDF?
Does anyone know if it is perhaps something about MiKTeX and the way
the texi2dvi.exe works? Might it be possible to bypass that program
and do the conversion via LyX more directly after R finishes the
Sweaving and Stangling?

A potential complication (as always) is that I am working in a
non-Admin account on the machine. I can invoke Admin permissions to
change things and had managed to get everything working before.
Permissions may be an issue, but I have set full access to all the
folders involved in this process (R, LyX, MiKTeX bins for example),
and this got it working prior to updates. I am hoping that is not it.
It seems like an issue with texi2dvi.

Dave Hewitt
Research Fishery Biologist
USGS Western Fisheries Research Center
Klamath Falls Field Station, Oregon

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