Dear list, i have a problem regarding biblatex: the information about last visit of an online resource (urldate) in an @ONLINE entry isn´t in the output. Everything else looks OK.
I am using Lyx 1.6.5 with MacTeX on MacOSX 10.6.3, all packages are up to date. I am using JabRef 2.5 as reference manager (tried BibDesk but same result). I attached an Lyx Tex export and an example entry of my JabRef database. I am working with child documents ("Include" command) for the different parts of my thesis, which isnt shown below. Regards Bastian --Tex-Export of LyX-- %% LyX 1.6.5 created this file. For more info, see %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[12pt,ngerman,toc=listof,ngerman]{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \geometry{verbose,tmargin=3cm,bmargin=2cm,lmargin=4cm,rmargin=2.5cm} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{nomencl} % the following is useful when we have the old nomencl.sty package \providecommand{\printnomenclature}{\printglossary} \providecommand{\makenomenclature}{\makeglossary} \makenomenclature \onehalfspacing \usepackage[unicode=true, pdfusetitle, bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=false,bookmarksopen=false, breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false] {hyperref} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. %% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline \providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. % --- schönere Schrift \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} % neue deutsche Rechtschreibung \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % BibLaTeX als Literaturverzeichnis \usepackage[style=chem-biochem,natbib=true,subentry,urldate=long]{biblatex} \bibliography{/bibFile} \usepackage{csquotes} % --- Trennungsverhalten verbessern \usepackage{microtype} % Abschnittsweise Nummerierung \usepackage{caption} \captionsetup{within=section} % --- Bezeichnungen ändern % siehe und scrguide.pdf \DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{cms-ngerman} \addto\captionsngerman{\renewcommand{\refname}{Literaturverzeichnis}\renewcommand{\bibname}{Literaturverzeichnis}\renewcommand{\figurename}{Abbildung}\renewcommand{\tablename}{Tabelle}} % --- Kopf- und Fußzeilen definieren \usepackage{fancyhdr} \addtolength{\headheight}{1ex} \fancyhead[L]{\leftmark} % links Kapitelname \fancyhead[R]{\thepage} % rechts Seitenzahl \fancyfoot[C]{\ } % Fußzeile leer \lhead{\nouppercase{\leftmark}} % Kapitelname nur Anfangsbuchstabe groß % --- Abkürzungsverzeichnis % Befehl zur Erstellung der Nomenklatur umschreiben -> vor Nomenklatur addsec/section/chapter ausführbar, siehe nomencl.pdf \renewcommand{\thenomenclature}{% \addsec{\nomname} \nompreamble \list{}{% \labelwidth\...@tempdim \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin\labelsep \itemsep\nomitemsep \let\makelabel\nomlabel} } \renewcommand{\nomname}{Abkürzungsverzeichnis} % Größe der Label einheitlich \setlength{\nomlabelwidth}{.20\hsize} \makeatother \begin{document} \cite{key} \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc] \end{document} -- Entry in JabRef bibFile -- % This file was created with JabRef 2.5. % Encoding: UTF8 @ONLINE{key, title = {Titel of online resource}, url = {}, urldate = {2010-28-03}, author = {Anonym}, bdsk-url-1 = {}, owner = {bastian}, timestamp = {2010.03.21} }