Am 26.03.2010 09:41, schrieb YURENA MENDOZA:
Hello, as you can see when it begins paragraph of "However....." the distance with the preceding paragraph is greater than in the rest and in this case there is no floating in this section.
This occurs because you explicitly printed all characters in your document black. You additionally set for all characters the font size "Large". I removed both from your document and then it works, see attached.
Coloring and setting a font size is designed to be used only for a sentence or paragraph but not for the whole document. To change the font size for the document, use the menu Document->Settings->Fonts->Base Size instead.
To color all characters of your document e.g. red, add this line to your document preamble: % color everything red \...@ifundefined{textcolor} {\usepackage{color}}{} \color{red} I have done this in the attached document. ---Another tip: You are using chemical symbols like "CO2" in your document. Note that these must be typeset upright otherwise "CO2" means C*O2. For a description of support for chemically symbols, see the LyX Math manual, sec. 20 "Chemical Symbols and Equations". You find the manual in LyX's Help menu.
regards Uwe
Description: application/lyx