> >  Thanks Enrico. This solved the problem.
> >  I gave a look to output of the configure and I
> noticed that also it find for
> > 
> >  rcc-qt4
> > 
> >  without finding it.
> >  It will be necessary to also make a link to that
> file?
> That doesn't hurt but should not be necessary. The
> configure script looks
> in the PATH first for xxx-qt4 and then xxx. This is because
> you can also
> have Qt3 installed and it has to be sure to pick up the Qt4
> version.
> For this reason, distributions rename the Qt4 xxx compilers
> as xxx-qt4.
> This is done for moc and uic, but not for rcc (as Qt3
> doesn't have it).
> What happens is that when looking for moc-qt4 and uic-qt4,
> they are not
> found in the bin dir of the specified Qt4 location (which
> is prepended to
> the PATH) but they are found in the system Qt4 bin dir. So,
> the check for
> moc and uic (without '-qt4') is not performed. Instead,
> rcc-qt4 is not
> found neither in the system Qt4 bin dir nor in the
> specified Qt4 dir, so
> configure now looks for rcc and finds it in the right
> place.

 The problem was solved, but lyx now not take colors (like color bakground for 
outline) from qtconfig.
 Others changes, like fonts are taked.

      Yahoo! Cocina

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