

I have installed Lyx (last version 1.6) on a Miktex 2.8 version and Lyx
is unable to find any document class (see below the copy of the

I tried the lyx installation twice.

Miktex'installation doesn't seem to be wrong.

Do you know where should be the problem?

Do I have to register on the mailing list to receive an answer? (I 'm
not currently registered )


Thanks in advance.



Frank Meyer.




# This file declares layouts and their associated definition files

# (include dir. relative to the place where this file is).

# It contains only default values, since chkconfig.ltx could not be run

# for some reason. Run ./configure.py if you need to update it after a

# configuration change.

"aa" "aa" "article (A&A)" "false"

"aapaper" "aa" "article (A&A V4)" "false"

"aastex" "aastex" "article (AASTeX)" "false"

"achemso" "achemso" "article (ACS)" "false"

"acmsiggraph" "acmsiggraph" "article (ACM SIGGRAPH)" "false"

"agu-dtd" "AGU-article" "AGU article (SGML)" "false"

"agums" "aguplus" "article (AGU++ manuscript)" "false"

"amsart" "amsart" "article (AMS)" "false"

"amsbook" "amsbook" "book (AMS)" "false"

"apa" "apa" "article (APA)" "false"

"arab-article" "arabart" "article (Arabic)" "false"

"armenian-article" "article" "article (Armenian)" "false"

"article-beamer" "article" "article (beamer)" "false"

"article" "article" "article" "false"

"beamer" "beamer" "presentation (beamer)" "false"

"book" "book" "book" "false"

"broadway" "broadway" "broadway" "false"

"chess" "article" "article (Chess)" "false"

"cl2emult" "cl2emult" "article (Springer cl2emult)" "false"

"dinbrief" "dinbrief" "letter (DIN-Brief, German)" "false"

"docbook-book" "book" "DocBook book (SGML)" "false"

"docbook-chapter" "chapter" "DocBook chapter (SGML)" "false"

"docbook-section" "section" "DocBook section (SGML)" "false"

"docbook" "article" "DocBook article (SGML)" "false"

"doublecol-new" "doublecol-new" "article (Inderscience A4 journals)"

"dtk" "dtk" "article (Die TeXnische Komoedie)" "false"

"egs" "egs" "article (European Geophysical Society)" "false"

"elsart" "elsart" "article (Elsevier, obsolete version)" "false"

"elsarticle" "elsarticle" "article (Elsevier)" "false"

"entcs" "entcs" "article (ENTCS)" "false"

"europecv" "europecv" "curriculum vitae (Europe)" "false"

"extarticle" "extarticle" "article (more font sizes)" "false"

"extbook" "extbook" "book (more font sizes)" "false"

"extletter" "extletter" "letter (more font sizes)" "false"

"extreport" "extreport" "report (more font sizes)" "false"

"foils" "foils" "presentation (FoilTeX)" "false"

"g-brief-de" "g-brief" "letter (g-brief, German)" "false"

"g-brief-en" "g-brief" "letter (g-brief)" "false"

"g-brief2" "g-brief2" "letter (g-brief2)" "false"

"heb-article" "article" "article (Hebrew)" "false"

"heb-letter" "letter" "letter (Hebrew)" "false"

"hollywood" "hollywood" "hollywood" "false"

"IEEEtran" "IEEEtran" "article (IEEEtran)" "false"

"ijmpc" "ws-ijmpc" "article (IJMPC)" "false"

"ijmpd" "ws-ijmpd" "article (IJMPD)" "false"

"iopart" "iopart" "article (IOP)" "false"

"isprs" "isprs" "article (Int. Soc. for Photogrammetry etc)" "false"

"jarticle" "jarticle" "article (Japanese)" "false"

"jbook" "jbook" "book (Japanese)" "false"

"jgrga" "aguplus" "article (AGU++ JGR)" "false"

"jreport" "jreport" "report (Japanese)" "false"

"jsarticle" "jsarticle" "article (Japanese New)" "false"

"jsbook" "jsbook" "book (Japanese New)" "false"

"jss" "jss" "article (Journal of Statistical Software)" "false"

"kluwer" "kluwer" "article (Kluwer)" "false"

"latex8" "article" "article (Latex8)" "false"

"letter" "letter" "letter" "false"

"literate-article" "article" "article (Noweb)" "false"

"literate-book" "book" "book (Noweb)" "false"

"literate-report" "report" "report (Noweb)" "false"

"llncs" "llncs" "article (Springer LNCS)" "false"

"ltugboat" "ltugboat" "article (TUGboat)" "false"

"memoir" "memoir" "book (Memoir)" "false"

"moderncv" "moderncv" "curriculum vitae (modern)" "false"

"mwart" "mwart" "article (Polish version by M.W.)" "false"

"mwbk" "mwbk" "book (Polish version by M.W.)" "false"

"mwrep" "mwrep" "report (Polish version by M.W.)" "false"

"paper" "paper" "article (paper)" "false"

"powerdot" "powerdot" "presentation (powerdot)" "false"

"recipebook" "scrbook" "book (recipes)" "false"

"report" "report" "report" "false"

"revtex" "revtex" "article (REVTeX)" "false"

"revtex4" "revtex4" "article (REVTeX 4)" "false"

"scrartcl" "scrartcl" "article (KOMA-Script)" "false"

"scrarticle-beamer" "scrartcl" "article (koma + beamer)" "false"

"scrbook" "scrbook" "book (KOMA-Script)" "false"

"scrlettr" "scrlettr" "letter (KOMA-Script)" "false"

"scrlttr2" "scrlttr2" "letter (KOMA-Script v.2)" "false"

"scrreprt" "scrreprt" "report (KOMA-Script)" "false"

"seminar" "seminar" "transparencies (seminar)" "false"

"siamltex" "siamltex" "article (SIAM)" "false"

"sigplanconf" "sigplanconf" "article (ACM SIGPLAN)" "false"

"simplecv" "simplecv" "curriculum vitae (simple)" "false"

"singlecol-new" "singlecol-new" "article (Inderscience 9.5 x 6.5
journals)" "false"

"singlecol" "singlecol" "article (Inderscience, obsolete version)"

"slides" "slides" "transparencies (slides)" "false"

"spie" "spie" "article (SPIE Proceedings)" "false"

"svglobal" "svjour" "article (Springer svjour/global)" "false"

"svglobal3" "svjour3" "article (Springer svjour3/global)" "false"

"svjog" "svjour" "article (Springer svjour/jog)" "false"

"svmono" "svmono" "book (Springer svmono)" "false"

"svmult" "svmult" "book (Springer svmult)" "false"

"svprobth" "svjour" "article (Springer svjour/PTRF)" "false"

"tarticle" "tarticle" "article (Japanese in vertical writing)" "false"

"tbook" "tbook" "book (Japanese in vertical writing)" "false"

"treport" "treport" "report (Japanese in vertical writing)" "false"

"tufte-book" "tufte-book" "book (Tufte)" "false"

"tufte-handout" "tufte-handout" "handout (Tufte)" "false"

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Description: textclass.lst

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