Hola Julio, yo uso perfectamente ambos correctores de ortografía, incluso en
documentos con inglés y español. Fijate si en tu documento establecés
correctamente el idioma (documento - config. - idioma), o si en la config
gral de Lyx permitís que se usen varios idiomas a la vez y se alterne entre
ellos (herramientas preferencias - config del idioma- ) fijate la imagen
adjunta. Si quisieras usar ambos idiomas, tenes que especificar el idioma
del texto en "Estilo del texto" (edicion - estilo del texto - personalizado
- idioma).

Espero que te ayude,

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Julio Rojas <jcredbe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all, I have installed either Aspell alone or cocoAspell for Mac
> OS X using the Spanish dictionary and something weird is happening: no
> accented word is recognized. No matter the method for installation
> (port, cocoAspell installer, or compilation from source) seems to
> work. Words that are not accented are recognized, but accented words
> don't.
> Has anybody seen this behavior? Has anybody that had this problem
> found a solution? I have used Aspell's spanish dictionary with Lyx in
> both Linux and Windows without a problem.
> I hope somebody can help me. Best regards.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Julio Rojas
> jcredbe...@gmail.com

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