> The sequence is the TOC followed by a > tex code box containing: > \mainmatter > \pagenumbering{roman} > > Then a few short chapter*(s) That are not part of the > numbered chapters. > And it is not desired for them to be labeled as "contents" > in the output > [...] > > How can I stop "output" from inserting the word "contents" > into the > the page header of the "chapter*{s} without relocating them > to > before the TOC, nor after chapter 1???
Yes, is a bug. It would be necessary to inform it, but I do not know where that becomes. I put the TOC at the end of the book and I do not have that problem ;-) When I put it at the beginning of the book, I solved it using titlesec and redefining header. Regards Marcelo Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina. http://ar.mujer.yahoo.com/cocina/