Hi Charlie, On Mon, 2010-02-15 at 13:46 +1100, M-L wrote: > On Mon, 15 Feb 2010 08:14:27 +0800 "Louis A. Turk" > <l...@dayspringpublisher.com> shared this with is all on the Lyx users > list: > > >Hi fellow lyx users, > > > >I have the body of a book formatted beautifully with lyx using the > >Memoir Class, but I'm having many problems formatting the front matter. > >The first page is blank (is this normal?), the even numbered folios are > >missing, and there is one too many pages between the front matter and > >main body. > > > >http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/UsingMemoirInLyX links to the following two > >documents that are supposed to help, but for some reason I can't get > >them to download. And I haven't been able to find them anywhere else. > > > >http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0303098/public/lyx/memoir-titlepages.lyx > > Just for reference can download the .pdf version of the above, so > wonder what might be the problem for you? > > As for the one above, the LyX file: just copy it into a plain text > editor save it with the .lyx extension and then open it in LyX and view > it as a .pdf document if you wish. > > Hope that helps, > Charlie
Thanks for responding. But I still can't download either document. The server times out. And I've tried probably 50 times. Louis