Hi Stephen,

You may need to get the most recent version from the tufte-latex source code
repository.  I'm not sure that the MikTeX version has been updated
(http://code.google.com/p/tufte-latex/).  Also, the issue still persists
when compiling documents with xelatex.

For xelatex users, the problem can be circumvented by using the "nols"
option.  But this requires that you manually set up letterspacing and fonts
using \fontspec.  It also messes up the all-caps styling of headers and

The best bet might be to downgrade to the 3.0 version.  It also has a couple
of bugs (most obnoxious being screwed up figure numbering), but it is much
less temperamental.  

Just my two cents, though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen George [mailto:steve_...@optusnet.com.au] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 2:37 AM
To: lyx
Subject: Tufte book layout - title ?


I'm a newbie to Lyx, and was playing with the Tufte book class.

I'm a little confused,
I downloaded Lyx Example File from

When I try to create a pdf of the example file, I got an error about the
title (using windows and Lyx 1..6.5) (LaTeX Error: Can be used only in
preamble.) \title{Tufte Examples}

Your command was ignored.

Type I <command> <return> to replace it with another command,

or <return> to continue without it.

When I download and try to build the pdf using Debian, the build works fine,
and has the title in the resultant pdf.

I am guessing my miktex install is missing some package.

So my question, is how do I work out what package is missing for a lyx 
file, so I can install it.
 note: my miktex _IS_ setup to install missing packages on the fly.

Any idea why my lyx (on windows) doesn't accept the title as valid ?


- Steve

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