On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Ivan Werning
<iwern...@economics.mit.edu> wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Ivan Werning wrote:
>> On Feb 11, 2010, at 9:09 AM, BH wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Ivan Werning
>>> <iwern...@economics.mit.edu> wrote:
>>>> I have noticed the following problems with my Mac's LyX 1.6.5:
>>>> - I cannot select text pressing SHIFT and the cursor
>>>> - I can no longer create a new row in a formula by pressing CMD enter
>>>> I recently upgraded to 1.6.5, I don't know if this problem occurred a 
>>>> result of this installation. I never know what the right thing to do 
>>>> answer during the installer script, when prompted about overwriting and 
>>>> such. Could that have created this problem? Maybe a key binding problem? I 
>>>> have mine tweaked the old style, from the file, but it never created 
>>>> problems before.
>>>> Just in case I downloaded, the previous version I was using and I 
>>>> found I now had the same problems.
>>> It certainly looks like a keybinding problem. Do things work properly
>>> if you move aside your LyX User's directory (at ~/Library/Application
>>> Support/LyX-1.6)?
>>> BH
>> Thanks for your suggestion BH.
>> I just moved my LyX user directory to the desktop. Started LyX back up. That 
>> created a new user directory in my library. On startup, I got the welcome 
>> screen (haven't seen that in ages). I starting a new file. Both problems 
>> disappeared. I notice that the bind file being used is now mac.bind but not 
>> the one in the (newly created) user directory, instead it is inside the LyX 
>> package content.
>> Realizing that this worked, I (deleted the newly created user directory and) 
>> copied back my user directory to my library, but then moved my old tweaked 
>> mac bind file from the subdirectory bind in my user directory to my desktop. 
>> When I loaded LyX it had selected the unaltered mac bind in the package 
>> content and things were also working fine.
>> So clearly the problem is my altered mac file. Attached is my old tweaked 
>> mac bind file.
>> What is wrong with it? I know this isn't the proper way to do things 
>> anymore, but should it be causing a problem? I never had problems until 
>> recently (again, I don't know if it was 1.6.5 per se, or the upgrade to it).
>> -Ivan
> Sorry, I forgot the attachment. Here it is.

The keybindings you're using refer to obsolete command names. For
example, instead of "word-forward" you should use "word-right".

The proper solution here is not to edit your modified .bind file, but
rather to use Preferences > Editing > Shortcuts to tweak things. That
way you won't have to worry about updating your .bind file when
command names change.


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