Am Thursday 11 February 2010 13:03:40 schrieb Ignacio Garcia:
Thanks,  Ignacio,


> In Xfig 'Text Font' set 'Use Latex Font'
what I do here is:
After selecting in XFig T(ext) I click on 
Times-Roman in the lowermost right-most box called Text Font. 
The Font Menu pops up with many fonts. In the lowermost line is 

Use LaTex Fonts, which I click at. 
A small sub-fontmenu occurs with

default   Roman
Bold       Italic
Sans S. Typewriter
Cancel   Use Postscript Fonts

 If I click on 
 Use Postscript Fonts
it jumps back to the Font Menu
so that is of no value

if I click on Default, 
the submenu box dissappears,
Same with Roman..

exporting as either eps or .fig with Ps/LaTeX (both parts),
inserting it as 
eps in Lyx
or as
File>External Material, XFig template
in Lyx

does still not give the desired greek alpha.

I am either doing something wrong with your step 1
(therefore I described what I did in detail)

or I am missing something XFig needs 
or the LyX needs to proceed correctly

> Then in Xfig 'Text Flags' select 'Special' in 'Special Flags'
ok, done
> Insert your xfig file in LyX with Insert>File>External Material, XFig
> template.
ok, done
> This should print the greek 'alpha' in your figure in LyX (if Instant
> Preview is on) or in the output.
still no greek alpha

Would appreciate your help (and patience)


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