I believe the question you're asking is: "How can I convert a Lyx file to Word or Word-like format?"
The question has been asked several times and there is no single answer. It depends on what's in your document (text, math, images, etc.) , and on what you care to preserve in the transition LyX--> other format. MY DOCUMENT CONTAINS MATH FORMULAS. I WOULD LIKE TO EXPORT TO ODT BECAUSE IN IT MATH FORMULAS CAN BE EDITED. Look in the wiki and in the lists archives for past discussions. Here are some options I am familiar with: 1. convert Lyx to Html, and then read the html file into word or openoffice. This option uses the htlatex conversion scripts which rely on the TeX4ht package. The package must be installed on your system. I am not sure how easy or how difficult such an installation is on windows system (i'm on linux). Here is a link that may help: http://facweb.knowlton.ohio-state.edu/pviton/support/tex4ht.html IN HTML MATH CAN'T BE EDITED. NOT A SOLUTION. 2. convert lyx to Latex and then latex to rtf. Both word and openoffice will read the rtf file. Look here for help on this option: http://wiki.lyx.org/Tips/ExportingRichTextFormatWithLaTeX2rtf IN RTF MATH CAN'T BE EDITED. NOT A SOLUTION. 3. convert Lyx directly to openoffice format. Can be done again with the htlatex scripts. See (1) above. I'LL TRY TO SEE WHAT HTLATEX SCRIPTS ARE. BUT IF LYX HAS MENU "VIEW - OPENDOCUMENT", SHOULDN'T IT WORK RIGHT AFTER THE INSTALLATION?! I am sure there are other routes. On my system all the three options successfully convert the examples/splash.lyx file, although the definition of "success" varies. PLEASE SAY WHAT IS YOUR OS? Hope it helps, S.