> >>> If I choose Times Roman for roman font, > what font I must to choose for sans serif font If I > want to obtain an aesthetically coherent aspect? > ... > There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is > no "Times Sans". It depends on what you are after. > The most used choice is a downscaled Helvetica. Although > not necessarily > aesthetically pleasing, it will go almost unnoticed (like > Times for serif) because this is what people expect. > > > I am using two columns in the book, therefore I am > interested exactly > > in that: glyphs thinner with less space between. > OK. > The next thing to consider is, whether the sans serif > should "match" > or "stand out". In the first case, a "semi-serif" (like > Ivona) might be > advisable, in the latter a contrasting shape with maybe > even different > grey value like Avant Gard (or the TeX Gyre variant > Adventor). >
Thanks Guenter, but, lamentably for me, to include fonts to the Lyx is an unattainable art. Marcelo Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina. http://ar.mujer.yahoo.com/cocina/