Hwan Lin schrieb:
Attached is a LyX file that cannot go with subequations. Please have a
look and help me.
Why haven't you followed my advice to set the AMS option as I wrote? Doing this, subequations will
be known by LaTeX as I explained.
Besides this, there were was a mistake: You set the paragraph of the subequation formula to
left-aligned. Doing this is not allowed when using subequations. (I'll add this info to the Math
I'll attached your fixed file in a private message.
Two hints:
You don't need to use TeX code for vertical spaces; LyX supports them via the menu
Insert->Formatting->vertical space.
You also don't need to use TeX code to insert characters like the copyright sign ©. You can insert
them via the menu Insert->Special characters->Symbols.
regards Uwe