2010/1/15 Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us>:
> Dear Daniel, Liviu and Other LyX Users,
> Daniel and Liviu, thank you very much for the recommendations and for the 
> link.  I've been experimenting with the \afterpage package all morning, and I 
> am very happy to report that it works famously.  I am able to exactly the 
> type of behavior that I wanted by using the \afterpage{\clearpage LongTable} 
> macro.
> Because I've never been a huge fan of using ERT in LyX documents (at least no 
> more than is necessary), I decided to create a custom inset that would 
> automatically place long tables at the top of a new page, while maintaining 
> the wrapping of the text.
> The attached module is a first run at that inset.  I've been testing it on a 
> couple of rather complicated documents, and it works exactly like I want it 
> to.  I'm relatively sure that I'll come across bugs and other such stuff, so 
> I'm sure that it will get posted to my website at some point.
> I am forwarding it to the group in the hope that others will find it useful.
> Cheers,
> Rob Oakes

that seems to work very well thank you very much.  Float the long
table to the top of a page.  Table breaks and text continues after
table finishes on second page.

module can also be modified for putting longtables sideways on a page
change preamble to this


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