peter kint <peter_k...@...> writes:

> I am about to type i (for installation) and I see in the output the following:
> <D> directories:
>    TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
>      !! default location: /usr/local/texlive/2009
>      !! is not writable, please select a different one!
> Should I first create this directory (it isn't there yet) or will the install
> program to that for me?

Yes, you must create the directory, but /usr/local is not writable by users.
Then root must create the directory and then change the permissions.

Graphical? Type in terminal:
sudo nautilus
Go to the /usr/local , Create folder and name it texlive
Then do right click on the created and 
Properties > Permission and change Owner and Group by your user name.

> Happy X-mas!

Yes, Happy X-mas!

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