Joachim Osnabryg schrieb:

Since sometime, when in LyX I choose File => new and then with within the standard new document class (article), I choose Document => Options and within the Options window, section document class, choose "Handout (Tufte)", I get the LyX error:

Die Dokumentklasse tufte-handout konnte nicht geladen werden.
The document class tufte-handout could not be loaded.

Try to reconfigure LyX. Have a look in the log file of this process in case this fails to get more info if also other packages cannot be found. This would then be hint that there are problems with your LaTeX installation. If all other packages are found, assure that you are using the tufe layout files that come with LyX and also assure that there is no other version of the layout file in the same directory as the LyX file.

regards Uwe

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