Denis Camus wrote: > I have the message saying that it's not the good version and that the > script lyx2lyx cannot convert it. > After lefting my Latex document with only preambule and > title, the pb is the same but all is OK if I compile with Texmaker. > By commenting a maximum of lines of the preambule, and then > decommenting one after one, I saw that the problem arise with fancyhdr > command. > I don't know what to do. In my Lyx document,Latex lines are exactly the > same and I can print correctly. > Does somebody can help me ? ... Here is a piece of my document :
For some reason, tex2lyx does not get the correct input encoding. This looks like a tex2lyx bug. As a workaround, you can open the produced LyX file in an editor (assure that the encoding is utf-8) and fix the line \fancyhead[L]{R�miCAMUS} to \fancyhead[L]{RémiCAMUS} HTH, Jürgen