Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> > I can see how to respond to the two questions regarding my original post,
> > but I don't see how to respond and also include attachments as requested
> > so my apologies for starting a new thread.
> In any case this comes from the class. Switching to article fixes the
>  issue.
> It might be some APA-specific trick.

After a closer look at the class, I believe that this is intentional:

* the extra cell is reserved for the table note, if it is inserted like this 
(not natively supported by LyX):

        A & B & C & D & E\tabularnewline 
        F\tabfnm{1} & G & H & I & J\tabularnewline
        \tabfnt{1}{Note text}

* APA discourages the use of vertical table lines. Without vertical lines, the 
extra row just comes out as extra space, which might be intended as well.


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