Hello, I'm using lyx 1.6.4, with culmus-latex package. The document type is article (hebrew). system: ubuntu 9.10.
When I choose the "Two-column document" option in Document-->Settings...-->Text Layout, when I render the document to pdf or dvi, the two columns are divided as in LTR - the text is written first in the left column, then in the right column. As this is good for English and/or any other LRT langugae, it's awfully wrong in Hebrew, which is written RTL. further more, I can't seem to make the title, author and abstract layouts to come before the two-columns splitting. Here's a link to a tar.gz containing pdf and lyx file examples of the issue: http://uploading.com/files/2d865245/two-column_example.tar.gz/ If anyone can help with these two issues, I'll be very thankful. All the best, Peleg S. ------ <Predictable> "Peace, love, and Linux" makes me think of a guy with excessive facial hair in a tidy t-shirt, shorts, and sandals saying "You can't use that distribution MAN" "You can't like, own an OS, MAN" (bash quote #4395) my public-key: http://t2.technion.ac.il/~spelegs