Dear LyX Users, I have a quick question about custom layouts. I've been in the process of creating a custom layout file for the NIH grant LaTeX class ( By following the instructions in the LyX documentation and modifying the existing article.layout, I've been able to get most everything to work. With one exception.
To be compliant with the NIH style guide (if it can be called that), I need for sections to be labeled with letters rather than numbers. For example, it should be: A Overview B Background C Methods D Specific Methods etc. Right now it's labeled with numbers: 1 Overview 2 Background 3 Methods 4 Specific Methods etc. This problem doesn't appear when generating a document from stock LaTeX or from Kile (which I suppose is stock LaTeX); only from LyX. I'm not sure what is causing it or how to fix it. In order to make it easier to edit certain properties, I've moved a few things around. The original .cls file included information about custom headers and footers, which I've removed and placed in a .lyx document I intend to use as a template. But there was no code specific to section numbering. All files are being generated off of the modified LaTeX cls file, so I don't think that is where the problem is. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can tell LyX/LaTeX to use letters rather than numbers for section numbering? Cheers, Rob Oakes