Thanks Charles for your help.
So, I think I have the good packages now -- both biblatex and csquotes
were said "outdated" in the log file, now it's ok.
But my dvi / pdf file remains with... no references. It seems to be a
problem with my bib file, as you suggest first... but I don't understand
the LateX language!
Here are the last log file, bib file and pdf result... thanks a lot if
you could have a look...
I do hope there will be a TL 2009 for Debian / Ubuntu as soon as possible!!
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title = {La dfense des coles catholiques des houillres (novembre 1946-avril
publisher = {s.l.},
year = {s.d.},
author = {Francis d'Azambuja AND Franois de Decker},
keywords = {primaires, ecole, apel}
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
title = {Ils ont fait l'enseignement catholique au diocse de Nantes. XXe
year = {2007},
author = {"Racines EC 44"},
keywords = {secondaires, ecole, nantes}
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {La France des annes vingt},
publisher = {Paris: Armand Colin. Coll. Cursus },
year = {1993},
author = {Fabrice Abbad},
keywords = {secondaires, contexte, annees20}
pages = {191},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.17}
author = {Vincent Adoumi},
title = {L'action catholique dans le diocse d'Aire-et-Dax du dbut des annes
trente au milieu des annes soixante},
school = {Universit Bordeaux III},
year = {1993},
owner = {Sara},
pages = {575},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
author = {Beillevert, M.},
title = {L'piscopat nantais de Mgr Villepelet (1936-1966)},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {1992},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {Maurice Blondel, Social Catholicism, and Action Franaise. The Clash
over the Church's Role in Society during the Modernist Era},
publisher = {Washington: The Catholic University of America Press},
year = {2009},
author = {Bernardi, Peter J.},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Serge Berstein AND Jean-Nol Jeanneney},
title = {Les raisons de l'chec du Cartel des Gauches},
journal = {Bulletin de la Socit d'Histoire moderne et contemporaine},
year = {1978},
volume = {2},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
title = {Quatre ans Rome (1921-1926)},
publisher = {Paris: Plon},
year = {1934},
author = {Baron Beyens},
pages = {307},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
author = {Boheas, J.},
title = {L'institution Blanche de Castille (1806-1967)},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {2000},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {Le diocse de La Rochelle sous l'piscopat de Mgr Eyssautier (1906-1923).
Rorganisation et orientations pastorales au lendemain de la Sparation
des glises et de l'tat},
publisher = {Lille: ANRT},
year = {2003},
author = {Jean-Philippe Bon},
__markedentry = {[Sara]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
title = {L'charde. Tmoignage d'un directeur d'cole catholique},
year = {1991},
author = {Boucard, M.},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Gabriel Le Bras},
title = {Le Conseil d'tat, rgulateur de la vie paroissiale},
journal = {Conseil d'tat. tudes et documents},
year = {1950},
volume = {IV},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Cadours, E.},
title = {Les kermesses dans le diocse de Nantes de 1940 nos jours},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {1995},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {L'offensive clricale (1923-1924)},
publisher = {Paris: ditions du Rappel},
year = {1924},
author = {Maurice Charny},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.17}
author = {Maurice Crouzet},
title = {L'glise et la Rpublique, 1923-1930},
journal = {Politica},
year = {1930},
volume = {92-93},
pages = {32},
month = {aot-octobre},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
title = {L'enfance et la jeunesse dans la socit franaise (1800-1950)},
year = {1979},
author = {Crubelier, M.},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {L'ducateur l'cole de Pie XI. Questions gnrales d'ducation,
suivies de l'Encyclique de S.S. Pie XI sur l'ducation chrtienne},
publisher = {Paris: Spes},
year = {1936},
author = {Mgr Delabar},
pages = {223},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.17}
author = {Delbreil, Jean-Louis},
title = {Une revue catholique de l'entre-deux guerres: La Vie Intellectuelle
(1928-1940) face aux problmes de son temps},
school = {Paris},
year = {1965},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.04}
title = {Le Martray (1846-2000). Histoire d'une cole paroissiale},
year = {2001},
author = {Desbrueres, E.},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Desouche, Marie-Thrse},
title = {Pie XI, le Christ Roi et les totalitarismes},
journal = {Nouvelle Revue Thologique},
year = {2008},
volume = {130},
pages = {740-758},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Dessertine, Dominique, AND Maradan, Bernard},
title = {Patronages catholiques, patronages laques entre les deux guerres:
les enjeux de la socialisation des enfants},
journal = {Cahiers d'histoire},
year = {2002},
volume = {1-2},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Isabelle Dore},
title = {Le Pre Riquet (1898-1992). Un jsuite dans le sicle},
school = {Mmoire de DEA. Universit de Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille III},
year = {1995},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
author = {Philippe Fabas},
title = {Aspects de la vie religieuse dans le diocse de Bayonne (1905-1965)},
school = {Universit Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III},
year = {1999},
type = {Histoire},
__markedentry = {[Sara]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
author = {Fuchs, Julien},
title = {La jeunesse alsacienne et la question rgionale (1918-1939)},
journal = {histo...@politique},
year = {2008},
volume = {4},
month = {janvier-avril},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16},
url = {}
title = {Un prtre-dput, le chanoine Polimann},
publisher = {Paris: La pense universelle},
year = {1973},
author = {Andr Gaillemin},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.22}
author = {Garreau, M.},
title = {L'Institution Franoise d'Amboise (1857-1994)},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {1994},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {Une centrale de presse catholique. La Maison de la Bonne Presse et
ses ditions},
publisher = {Paris: PUF},
year = {1965},
author = {Jacqueline \& Philippe Godfrin},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.22}
author = {Hervy, M.},
title = {L'piscopat de Mgr Le Fer de la Motte (1914-1935)},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {1990},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Yves-Marie Hilaire},
title = {Les papes du XXe sicle face aux nationalismes},
journal = {Communio},
year = {1994},
volume = {19/2},
pages = {35-47},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
title = {Rayons de soleil sur un tableau noir. L'cole libre entre 1920 et
1940. Tmoignages, rcits, anecdotes},
publisher = {Hrault ditions},
year = {1982},
author = {Joncheray, Cyprien},
pages = {211},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.10}
author = {Lemerle, A.},
title = {L'enseignement catholique dans le diocse de Nantes (1955-1971)},
school = {Universit de Nantes},
year = {2003},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {Les chemins d'une libert: la libert d'enseignement, l'enseignement
libre dans le Morbihan},
year = {1992},
author = {Mabon, J. (Abb)},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Henri Mallard},
title = {La question scolaire: son volution en Vende, vers une solution
d'apaisement sur le plan national},
school = {Poitiers: Facult de Droit},
year = {1948},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.06}
author = {Jean Margez},
title = {Une revue engage dans la dfense du catholicisme: les tudes (1919-1935)},
school = {Mmoire de DEA, Universit de Lille III},
year = {1995},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.17}
author = {Mary, Bruno},
title = {La Jeunesse tudiante chrtienne fminine dans l'enseignement public
en France, d'octobre 1930 mai 1940},
school = {Lille},
year = {1981},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.04}
author = {Michel, Alain-Ren},
title = {La Jeunesse tudiante chrtienne de 1934 1944. Attitude civique
et spiritualit},
school = {Lille},
year = {1985},
owner = {Sara},
pages = {865},
timestamp = {2008.12.04}
title = {1969-1984. Les vques de France et l'Enseignement catholique},
year = {1984},
author = {Michel, R.},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
title = {La rencontre de l'glise et de l'tat dans l'ducation},
publisher = {Toulouse},
year = {1929},
author = {Riquet Michel},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
title = {Monseigneur Gibier, vque de Versailles (1849-1931)},
publisher = {Paris: Tqui},
year = {1932},
author = {Mgr Milliot},
volume = {2 vol.},
pages = {309 et 106},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
author = {Franois Mjan},
title = {Le rgime des congrgations},
journal = {Revue administrative},
year = {1956},
pages = {616},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
title = {Sous la III Rpublique. Le snateur Louis Mjan},
publisher = {Paris: Berger-Levrault},
year = {1960},
author = {Lucie Mjan},
pages = {309},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.17}
title = {La sparation des glises et de l'tat. Le rle de Louis Mjan},
publisher = {Paris: PUF},
year = {1959},
author = {Violette Mjan},
pages = {573},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
title = {Instituteurs entre politique et religion},
year = {1993},
author = {Nicolas, G.},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Yves Palau},
title = {Des catholiques et de la politique. Les transformations doctrinales
du catholicisme social, 1900-1930},
journal = {Revue franaise d'histoire des ides politiques},
year = {1996},
volume = {4},
pages = {317-344},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.23}
author = {Yves Palau},
title = {Approche du catholicisme rpublicain dans la France de l'entre-deux-guerres},
journal = {Mil Neuf Cent},
year = {1995},
volume = {13},
pages = {46-66},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.23}
author = {Marcel Prlot},
title = {La France en 1930-1931: sa politique intrieure},
journal = {L'anne politique franaise et trangre},
year = {1932},
volume = {7/1},
pages = {68-123},
month = {avril},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Ferdinand Renaud},
title = {Pour une politique religieuse},
journal = {Revue des Deux Mondes},
year = {1939},
pages = {639-699},
month = {1er aot},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
author = {Ren Rmond},
title = {Les catholiques dans l'Universit franaise au XX\up{e} sicle},
journal = {Cahiers universitaires catholiques},
year = {1985},
volume = {4},
pages = {3-11},
month = {mars-avril},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.23}
author = {Christian Sorrel},
title = {Un objet d'enqute? Les congrs catholiques en France au XIXe et
XXe sicle},
booktitle = {Mentalits et croyances contemporaines. Mlanges offerts Grard
year = {2003},
editor = {Dominique Avon AND Michel Fourcade},
pages = {89-106},
publisher = {Montpellier: universit Paul-Valry / Montpellier III},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
author = {Christian Sorrel},
title = {Les vques l'heure de la Sparation},
booktitle = {La Sparation de 1905. Les hommes et les lieux},
year = {2005},
editor = {Jean-Pierre Chatin AND Daniel Moulinet},
pages = {52-66},
publisher = {Paris: d. de l'Atelier},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
author = {Christian Sorrel},
title = {Les Congrs diocsains et la mobilisation des catholiques aprs la
journal = {Vingtime Sicle. Revue d'histoire},
year = {2005},
volume = {87},
pages = {85-100},
month = {Juillet-septembre},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
title = {Une ville et ses coles: Nantes 1830-1940},
year = {1999},
author = {Suteau, M.},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.03}
author = {Tonnelier, Constant},
title = {L'cole catholique en Mayenne: du XIIe au XXe sicle: un service
public d'glise},
school = {Universit catholique de l'Ouest},
year = {1981},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.06}
author = {Tranvouez, Yvon},
title = {La fondation et les dbuts de ?La Vie intellectuelle? (1928-1929).
Contribution l'histoire du catholicisme intransigeant},
journal = {Archives des sciences sociales des religions},
year = {1976},
volume = {42},
pages = {57-96},
number = {1},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.04}
author = {Tranvouez, Yvon},
title = {Une critique intransigeante de la modernit: la fondation et les
dbuts de la revue catholique La Vie Intellectuelle (1928-1929)},
school = {EHESS (Paris)},
year = {1975},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.04}
title = {Le nez de Cloptre. Souvenirs d'un homme de droite},
publisher = {Paris: Les Qautre fils d'Aymon},
year = {1957},
author = {Xavier Vallat},
pages = {308},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
title = {VIIIe Congrs National. Lyon, 5, 6 et 7 septembre 1924},
publisher = {Lyon: Union rgionale du Sud-Est},
year = {1925},
editor = {Fdration des Amicales de l'enseignement catholique de France},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.08}
title = {La Propagande sous Vichy: 1940-1944},
publisher = {Paris: coll. des Publications de la BDIC},
year = {1990},
editor = {Gervereau, Laurent and Peschanski, Denis},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.12.06}
title = {Annuaire officiel de l'enseignement libre catholique},
publisher = {Versailles: M. Qunard},
year = {1934},
editor = {Les Directeurs et Inspecteurs diocsains de l'Enseignement libre
\& Fdration nationale des Syndicats diocsains d'Enseignement libre},
pages = {528},
owner = {Sara},
timestamp = {2008.11.13}
title = {glises et tat en Alsace et en Moselle. Changement ou fixit?},
publisher = {Strasbourg: CERDIC Publications},
year = {1979},
editor = {Jean Schlick},
__markedentry = {[acer]},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.18}
title = {Les annes trente: de la crise la guerre},
publisher = {Paris: Seuil, coll. Points Histoire},
year = {1990},
editor = {Michel Winock},
owner = {acer},
timestamp = {2008.12.16}
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