On 10/26/2009 07:50 AM, gerlos wrote:
Hello everyone!
In the last weeks I started to use LyX, and found it very good. A long time ago 
I used
LaTeX for a while, but I forget almost everything I learned a that time :-(
So sorry for the silly question...

Now I'm using LyX to write a book, and I'm using the KOMA-script book class.
Here and there in the book I added some figures, but I'd like to remove the
text like "Figure 12.3" beside the caption (but still need a caption there),
do you know if it's possible?
How can I do it?

I googled for a while but didn't find anything useful :-(
I also looked around in LyX and didn't found anything that seemed related...
maybe needs some LaTeX magic?

I don't know about this, but you could try looking in the koma-script docs. The other possibility (LaTeX magic, yes) would be something like: \renewcommand\thefigure{}, in the preamble. I think something like that works.


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