Hi is it possible to see the preamble in a fixed width font? Especially when the preamble is longer, it would make it easier redable.
Cheers, Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany) Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology Natural Sciences Building Office Suite 2039 Stellenbosch University Main Campus, Merriman Avenue Stellenbosch South Africa Cell: +27 - (0)83 9479 042 Fax: +27 - (0)86 516 2782 Fax: +49 - (0)721 151 334 888 email: rai...@krugs.de Skype: RMkrug Google: r.m.k...@gmail.com