On 10/21/2009 07:10 AM, Dr. Gyorgy Pota wrote:
Dear Users,

I tried to use the theorem environment from Lyx and wanted Lyx (Latex) to write the Hungarian counterpart "tétel" of the word "theorem" in the document. Thus, I included this in the document preamble in Lyx:


This works but now the text of the theorem appears with upright (standing) letters in the output (pdf, dvi) instead of the original italic (slanted). How can I achieve italic (slanted) again retaining the Hungarian "tétel"? (In Lyx the text of the theorem is written with italic letters.)

Well, the good news is that the next (major) version of LyX will take care of this sort of thing. But for now, it's not so simple. There is, I think, some stuff on the wiki about how to deal with this properly. In your case, though, you probably just need to add some sort of \theoremstyle declaration before the \newtheorem.


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