Dear all, writing some slides in LyX 1.6.3 with the Beamer package and running into a nasty problem and I need some help.
Researching gmane I found and I believe the then mentioned issue still is a bug and I assume the bug is in an internal LyX data structure, as suggested by the original poster. It looks like the poster of that thread found a different workaround which, unfortunately, is not working in my case. Moreover the then discovered bug still exists and is reproducible. I attach a minimal LyX example below (File 1). If this file is exported as plain LaTeX we get (File 2). Moreover I attach the beginning of the plain LaTeX export of another LyX document produced with beamer and not showing the mentioned problem (File 3). The reason for the error is quite clear: The export in File 3 contains a line \newenvironment{topcolumns}{\begin{columns}[t]}{\end{columns}} whereas the export of the faulty file, File 2, does NOT contain this line and consequently leads to an error. This phenomenon shows up although the beginning of a working LyX file (File 4) is completely identical to the beginning of the not working lyx file. To me it looks like an internal glitch is responsible that the first 5 lines of the lyx file in one case import the correct Latex header whereas in the other they unexpectedly drop one line. Thanx for your help. PS: I do observe the suggestion of the above mentioned post and have an end_frame in the non-working lyx file. So the suggestion of the old thread is not the correct hint. == FILE 1 == #LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 345 \begin_document \begin_header \textclass beamer \begin_preamble \usetheme{Warsaw} % oder ... \setbeamercovered{transparent} % oder auch nicht \usepackage[all]{xy} % \usepackage{pgfpages} % \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} \setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} \end_preamble \options slidestop \use_default_options false \language ngerman \inputencoding auto \font_roman times \font_sans default \font_typewriter default \font_default_family default \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 \font_tt_scale 100 \graphics default \paperfontsize default \spacing single \use_hyperref false \papersize default \use_geometry true \use_amsmath 2 \use_esint 0 \cite_engine basic \use_bibtopic false \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 2 \tocdepth 2 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language danish \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \author "" \author "" \end_header \begin_body \begin_layout Title Example \end_layout \begin_layout BeginFrame Produkte \end_layout \begin_layout Separator \end_layout \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash begin{topcolumns}%{} \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash column{1cm} \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout One \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash column{8cm} \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout Two \end_layout \begin_layout Plain Layout \backslash end{topcolumns}%{} \end_layout \end_inset \end_layout \begin_layout Separator \end_layout \begin_layout EndFrame \end_layout \end_body \end_document == FILE 2 == %% LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info, see %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[ngerman,slidestop]{beamer} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands. % this default might be overridden by plain title style \newcommand\makebeamertitle{\frame{\maketitle}}% \AtBeginDocument{ \let\origtableofcontents=\tableofcontents \def\tableofcontent...@ifnextchar[{\origtableofcontents}{\gobbletableofcontents}} \def\gobbletableofcontents#1{\origtableofcontents} } \makeatletter \long\def\lyxframe#...@lyxframe#1\@lyxframestop}% \d...@lyxframe{\@ifnextchar<{\@@lyxframe}{\@@lyxframe<*>}}% \def\@@lyxframe<#1>{...@ifnextchar[{\@@@lyxframe<#1>}{\@@@lyxframe<#1>[]}} \def\@@@lyxframe<#1>[...@ifnextchar<{\@@@@@lyxframe<#1>[}{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[<*>][}} \def\@@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2...@ifnextchar[{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2]}{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2][]}} \long\def\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2][#3]...@lyxframestop#5\lyxframeend{% \frame<#1>[#2][#3]{\frametitle{#4}#5}} \makeatother \def\lyxframeend{} % In case there is a superfluous frame end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. \usetheme{Warsaw} % oder ... \setbeamercovered{transparent} % oder auch nicht \usepackage[all]{xy} % \usepackage{pgfpages} % \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} \setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} \makeatother \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Example } \makebeamertitle \lyxframeend{}\lyxframe{Produkte} \begin{topcolumns}%{} \column{1cm} One \column{8cm} Two \end{topcolumns}%{} \lyxframeend{} \end{document} == File 3 == %% LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info, see %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[ngerman,slidestop]{beamer} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands. % this default might be overridden by plain title style \newcommand\makebeamertitle{\frame{\maketitle}}% \AtBeginDocument{ \let\origtableofcontents=\tableofcontents \def\tableofcontent...@ifnextchar[{\origtableofcontents}{\gobbletableofcontents}} \def\gobbletableofcontents#1{\origtableofcontents} } \makeatletter \long\def\lyxframe#...@lyxframe#1\@lyxframestop}% \d...@lyxframe{\@ifnextchar<{\@@lyxframe}{\@@lyxframe<*>}}% \def\@@lyxframe<#1>{...@ifnextchar[{\@@@lyxframe<#1>}{\@@@lyxframe<#1>[]}} \def\@@@lyxframe<#1>[...@ifnextchar<{\@@@@@lyxframe<#1>[}{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[<*>][}} \def\@@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2...@ifnextchar[{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2]}{\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2][]}} \long\def\@@@@lyxframe<#1>[#2][#3]...@lyxframestop#5\lyxframeend{% \frame<#1>[#2][#3]{\frametitle{#4}#5}} \makeatother \def\lyxframeend{} % In case there is a superfluous frame end \newenvironment{topcolumns}{\begin{columns}[t]}{\end{columns}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. \usetheme{Warsaw} % oder ... \setbeamercovered{transparent} % oder auch nicht \usepackage[all]{xy} % \usepackage{pgfpages} % \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} \setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} \makeatother \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Einführung in Kategorien } == File 4 == #LyX 1.6.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 345 \begin_document \begin_header \textclass beamer \begin_preamble \usetheme{Warsaw} % oder ... \setbeamercovered{transparent} % oder auch nicht \usepackage[all]{xy} % \usepackage{pgfpages} % \setbeameroption{show notes on second screen} \setbeamersize{text margin left=.5cm,text margin right=.5cm} \end_preamble \options slidestop \use_default_options false \language ngerman \inputencoding auto \font_roman times \font_sans default \font_typewriter default \font_default_family default \font_sc false \font_osf false \font_sf_scale 100 \font_tt_scale 100 \graphics default \paperfontsize default \spacing single \use_hyperref false \papersize default \use_geometry true \use_amsmath 2 \use_esint 0 \cite_engine basic \use_bibtopic false \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 2 \tocdepth 2 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language danish \papercolumns 1 \papersides 1 \paperpagestyle default \tracking_changes false \output_changes false \author "" \author "" \end_header \begin_body \begin_layout Title