I'm trying to customize LyX, but I'm having a hard time with it.
1. First of all, I'm creating a toolbar with the following item:
Item "Insert figure" "command-sequence float-insert figure; up; dialog-
show-new-inset graphics; "
Is it possible to set an icon for this item? How can I assign an icon
for a command-sequence item in a toolbar?
2. By default, I wish the Graphics dialog displaying:
Set width: 90% of the text width
<checked> "Clip to bounding box"
How can I do that? How to find out the syntax of the parameters in a
given command?
3. By default, I wish the float to be set as:
<checked> Top of page
<checked> Here if possible
How can I set that by default?
4. How can I create a PopMenu in a toolbar?
The toolbar should have three items as follows:
Item "Insert inline formula" "math-mode on"
Item "Insert numbered equation" "command-sequence math-display; math-
Item "Insert multline equation" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-
mutate eqnarray;"
Is it possible to set an icon for this PopMenu? How can I assign an
icon for a PopMenu?
Using LyX in Mac OS 10.5
Thank you.
Lizardo H. C. M. Nunes
Professor Adjunto
DCNAT-Departamento de Ciências Naturais
UFSJ-Universidade Federal de São João del Rei
Phone/fax: +55 32 3379-2483
E-mail: lizardonu...@ufsj.edu.br
Website: www.lizardonunes.PRO.br