On 10/04/2009 06:12 PM, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
I make my first module but only get changes in screen, not in output.
I put:
Style Enum_Compacto
CopyStyle Enumerate
LatexType Environment
LatexName Enum_Compacto
ParSep 0.2
ItemSep 0
But I only get this look in screen.
How I can get it in output?
You need to add a preamble section that defines the Enum_Compacto
environment---which, by the way, should be named something else. LaTeX
names shouldn't contain _ (I think), so let's say you just call it
enumcomp. Then you need something that looks like:
\newenvironment{enumcomp}{...begin code...}{...end code...}
Otherwise, the file won't compile, because LaTeX won't know what to do
with the enumcomp environment.
Also, you probably want LatexType List_Environment. Though you can just
omit that, since Enumerate already defines it that way.
So, what LaTeX commands do you put there? I don't know, because I don't
know what you're trying to do.