"hello world!"

Hi I'm Simon, I'm considering Lyx for my use, but I'd like your
opinion before I try it.  I'm currently downloading/compiling it on my
gentoo desktop, so meanwhile I thought I'd ask!

In a nutshell:
  I need a programmer-friendly way to output good looking documents
compatible with current MS word.  This is my problem.  I thought if
LyX can output to word documents, maybe I'm getting close to a
solution, but also, I'm sure you guys (this community i mean) also
have experience with some of my concerns and might be able to help me

In details:
  I often need to write documents containing technical or repetitive
information that I feel a script would do better and faster.  (I could
write one to create such document in html within a few minutes).
These documents are opened by business people that know nothing
outside of their MS universe (a secretary once refused a PDF i sent
her saying she couldnt open it, that's 2 years ago!  I bet the
extension.rtf wouldnt do as good as .doc either...).  Some of them
have locked down computers and cant install or change anything, some
are scared about anything different and some just dont bother.
Another reason (quite a good one) is that sometimes these people need
to edit those documents and the only tool really suitable for them is
MSword...  These people are not under my supervision, they are my
partners, my clients, some employers, etc...  random business people.

  While on the other hand, authoring documents with MS tools is
extremely painful to me (i got the skin of a tux i guess!) and working
with OpenOffice is also quite painful...  I've tried converting HTML
to Office documents and got great results sometimes, while I got
horrible results other times (compatibility issue, like the story
about MSword not allowing tables inside tables!).  Conversion seems a
dangerous route (specially that I only own an old copy of office to
test the result...).

  I used to do my lab reports and several homework in LaTeX long ago
when I was in highschool and college, so I do have some memory of what
it's like to use tex.

The ideal route would be:    myProg -> (lyx?)  -> msword

Thanks in advance for help and suggestions,
  Simon =)

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