Sam Liddicott wrote:
* Paul A. Rubin wrote, On 02/09/09 15:57:
I understand there are some concerns about tampering with the subject
line (and what happens when replies and forwards occur).
What about creating a LyX-specific header (X-LyX: userlist or X-LyX:
developerlist or whatever)? Will the list mailer (and GMANE, which is
where I get my feed) support custom headers? It's easy enough to filter
on them in any mail client I've used.
Alas, not on my mail server. I can filter on many standard headers (like
List-ID) but not any custom header.
You filter on the server? I filter on the client (Thunderbird in my
case, but I'm pretty sure custom headers worked in Eudora too). For
instance, I use the PoPFile spam filter, which writes a custom header
that T-bird uses to send suspected spam to a designated folder.
Filtering on the server won't work for most people, because they won't
have control over the server. But filtering on the client side whould
work as long as the client can read all headers (and the server doesn't
remove the header -- don't think I've ever heard of that happening).