On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Andre
Poenitz<andre.poen...@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 08:21:00PM +0200, zweetsmoel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> it always happens when you need the bloody thing ;-)
>> i urgently need to edit and render my CV with lyx. unfortunately lyx
>> gives the following error when starting:  symbol lookup error:
>> src/lyx: undefined symbol: _Z13qFlagLocationPKc
>> i tried re-installing lyx 1.6.2, re-installing Qt, i even build 1.6.3
>> from source,... but nothing helps :\  googling did not save my day, so
>> i'm asking here, because i'm stuck. please.... any suggestions? my
>> guess this is Qt related, but i have not a single clue how to fix that
>> running on ubuntu 9.04, with qt 4.5 (i think)
> The LyX your are trying to start wants to use an older version of Qt
> than the one that was used when LyX was compiled.
> This may e.g. happen when you use a self-compiled recent version of Qt
> to build LyX and on startup it picks up the older system version.
> Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH apropriately helps in those cases.
> Andre'

for your information, when i compile lyx (either 1.6.1/2/3), i get
this info when finished:

  Host type:                    i686-pc-linux-gnu
  Special build flags:           use-ispell
  C   Compiler:                 gcc
  C   Compiler LyX flags:
  C   Compiler flags:            -O2
  C++ Compiler:                 g++ (4.3.3)
  C++ Compiler LyX flags:
  C++ Compiler flags:            -O2
  Linker flags:
  Linker user flags:
  Qt 4 Frontend:
      Qt 4 version:             4.5.0
  Packaging:                    posix
  LyX binary dir:               /usr/local/bin
  LyX files dir:                /usr/local/share/lyx

Configuration of LyX was successful.
Type 'make' to compile the program,
and then 'make install' to install it.

hope this helps,

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