m.kocin...@mini.pw.edu.pl wrote:
It was rather surprise for me that installing LyX in Linux seems to be much more complecated than in Windows. In fact, I have no experience in Linux...
If you _download_ LyX for linux from the lyx website, then you get source code that you can compile. Doing that is complicated indeed, and not recommended for a beginner. There are _many_ different linux distributions. Making a lyx installer for each is a lot of work, so it is not done by lyx developers. Instead, linux distribution developers put lyx in their distributions. So, the correct way to install lyx is to use your linux distribution's way of installing software. With debian, I use this command: $ apt-get install lyx That's all. I didn't even have to download anything. With this command, debian will download and install lyx and all other software that is needed to make lyx work. If you have ubuntu, the command is similiar. Other linux distributions are different, and you may have to download a package first. But you download the lyx package from your linux distributor, not from the lyx website.
Why there is hard to find "install. exe" file for LyX at lyx.org? Is it true taht that words "Major Linux distributions take care of LyX binaries themselves and you will find LyX in their repositories." mean when I buy a new notebok with Linux installed then there will also LyX there?
If the notebook comes with a _major_ linux distribution installed, then it may or may not have LyX already. Installing LyX using the standard way of installing lyx on that linux distribution should be easy enough though. If you need help, ask here or in the linux distributors forum. Note that some notebooks comes with not so "major" linux distributions, which may not have lyx at all. In that case, consider switching to a better distribution. Helge Hafting