Ben Allen wrote:
I very commonly have a paragraph of quotation in Greek, followed by a paragraph
that is the English translation. The problem is that all of the regular English
text AFTER the translation then gets printed as Greek when the output is

Here is an example. This is what I type in Lyx:

Looks like you found a LyX bug then.

Could you please report it here:

Uploading a small problem file with the report is nice too.

I tested LyX 1.6.3, and the bug is there too. It happens if both
environments are quotations (the greek and the translation).

It does not happen if the "normal" layout is used instead of
qutoation. The bug also goes away if an environment separator is inserted, but that results in more white space in the output too.

The problem happens with quote and verse too. But the two paragraphs has to be the same type - one quote and one verse gives no bug.

Seems to be a problem with latex code generation. When two paragraphs
of the same type follow each other, they are set with less vertical space. And if they are numbered (like theorem) then they only get one number. They get merged in a way. And this goes wrong when combined with langauge changes.

The latex export shows the problem:

Test with greek

\inputencoding{latin9}Test with greek
Test with greek

As we see, plutonikogreek is selected before the quote,
because the entire _first_ quote is in greek.

Then, the language gets reset to english in the middle
of the _merged_ qutoes.

Finally, the _merged_ quotes ends, and the language then reverts
to what it was immediately before the the merged quotes. And that
was greek!

The problem does not happen with colors or textstyles, probably because
latex do these differently.

When having several greek quotes following each other, greek is
activated only once, before the first one. This is nice as it saves latex code when long sets of paragraph are typeset in a different language. (Common for bilingual books) But, when there are these "mergeable" layouts, care must
be taken when language gets switched in the middle. Currently,
latex looses the switch when the merged set of paragraphs ends,
but LyX does not. Therefore, the bug.

Helge Hafting

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