Francisco Javier Martínez Sanchez wrote:

>I had a little trouble with lyx. I wanna to create a book with chapter. So I 
>select chapter. and it put:

>    Chapter 1

> But I don't wanna it put Chapter 1. As the Spanish tutorial I wanna that lyx 
> put:

>    Capítulo 1

> Other things as "Table of contents" I wanna see as "Índice general"

> Please I'm new if you can answer me in Spanish, do it. If you can't, try 
> simple English.

You must set the document language to Spanish, in Document->Settings.

To get the Spanish by default go to Tools->Preferences->Language
setting and then Tools->Reconfigure and restart

------------ Spanish ---------
En el menú Documento->Configuración->Idioma debes poner Español, pero
para poner el español como predeterminado en todos los documentos nuevos:

Después vuelve a Herramientas->Reconfigurar y reinicia LyX


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