On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:54 PM, rgheck<rgh...@bobjweil.com> wrote:
> And I guess the results must be much better on some other system than on
> mine since, on mine, much of this is completely unreadable. Attached is what
> I get in 4.3. I have no idea what this is supposed to be, but presumably not
> as is. (This is with Firefox on Fedora 8.)

eLyXer output requires CSS2, which is poorly supported on Firefox 2.
You should try Firefox 3 (which yesterday turned 1 year old by the
way) where it looks much better. What it means is: time to upgrade!

> The forthcoming HTML output from LyX will therefore use png's initially and
> shoot for MathML later. Note that the latter won't be as hard as writing a
> LaTeX to MathML converter (though these do exist), since we already have a
> parsed form of the LaTeX and can output MathML off that tree.

Once it is there it will be nice to have two options for HTML output.
Meanwhile eLyXer will use XHTML and CSS2 which can be rendered
acceptably on modern browsers.


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